E-Learning Days

E-Learning Days are used when all students in the district are in a remote learning setting because of an emergency (Snow Day/Emergency Weather Closure Day).  

The schedule for each level will be synchronous learning.  

  • Assignments for the day will be posted to the Google Classroom by the end of the school day by the teacher.

  • The remainder of the 5-hour instructional day will be asynchronous student learning.

  • High School students will log into their first period at 7:05 and follow their daily schedule.

    • Plainfield Academy, TAP, Turnabout, and PSTEP will log into their teacher's Google Classroom according to the attached schedule found on the high school document.

District E-Learning Plans and level schedules:

  • High School students will log into their first period at 7:05 am and follow

    • Plainfield Academy/TAP High School will log into their first period per the attached schedule

    • PSTEP will log in at 7:55 am.

    • Turnabout will log in at 12:27pm.

  • Students’ lunch/study hall period would be a free period, unless this is scheduled as part of an extended class.