Course Selection Forms
Requesting Courses
Counselors meet with every student individually to discuss required and elective choices for the coming year. Those selections are then viewable on the Home Access Center for parent/guardians and students to review. These are only course requests and while we do our best to make sure that every student gets their first choice, there will be instances where students will have to make a second choice for elective courses. We encourage parent/guardians to have discussions with your student about workload and balance of classes for the coming school year. If you wish to make changes to the course request, email your counselor or return the course request form to Student Services with your changes and a signature of the student’s parent/guardian.
View our Curriculum Guide for more details about the course request process and available classes:
What Is Naviance?
Naviance is taught to all students by their counselors at a different capacity across grade levels. From career searches to requesting transcripts, the Naviance program is a great tool to assist with post-secondary planning. If students do not have access to the internet or a computer at home, they can utilize the program in our College and Career Center (room 107).
How To Request A Transcript
Instructions on how to match your Common Application, request a transcript for a college OR scholarship and request a letter of recommendation can be found here: Requesting Transcripts in Naviance
Alumni can request transcripts from
Parent Consent Form
A parental consent form must be on file with Student Services before requesting a transcript on Naviance. The consent form was sent home to juniors and seniors in their registration packets. Parent Consent Form
Freshmen & Sophomores – visit Student Services to pick up a “Transcript Request” form
Post-Secondary Planning