Study Hall - We will open for study hall starting Tuesday, 9/3
Would you like to attend the Media Center during your Study Hall to check out a book, study, or relax in a peaceful place?
Forms open daily at 2:15 - click your study hall period & complete the form the day before you'd like to attend.
NOTE: If you click a study hall link above and the form is closed/unavailable, either we have reached the max amount of students for that study hall or the Media Center is closed for study hall that period/day.
Media Center Expectations
Be respectful of people and property.
Be kind and considerate. Remember, it is an academic setting, so please use respectful, polite, professional language at all times.
Keep noise to a minimum (quiet whispering allowed). All students and staff should be able to read, focus, learn, relax, and enjoy the space.
No food allowed. Water with a lid is OK.
Keep phone use to a minimum and only use it silently & independently. No crowding around phones, no disturbing/distracting others, no recording.
Keep the space clean, safe, and organized. Put trash in the trash can. Treat the furniture with care (keep your feet on the floor, only one student per egg chair, no swinging/spinning egg chairs, push your chairs in when done, do not move the furntiure etc.). Return games and materials neatly where you found them. Leave the space better than you found it, ready for the next group of students to use. If you see a mess or an issue, whether you created it or not, please let a staff member know so we can help clean/fix it.
Arrive on time (be inside the MC before the bell rings) and stop at the circulation desk so a staff member can scan your ID for attendance. Note: You may only attend the MC during your study hall period, not your lunch period. You may not skip class or an assigned intervention to attend the MC. Also, you do not need to stop by your regularly assigned study hall.
Remain for the entire class period. Do not line up by the door.
Follow the PEHS Student Handbook.